Message from our Headmistress
The aim of education is the development of personality of each student.
Moreover, the aim of education cannot be other than the highest development of the individual as a member of society.
Education means more than scoring good marks in exams or receiving certificates. The purpose of education is not just to produce academicians but also to develop sensitive, responsible citizens with simplicity and modesty.
Teachers are institution builders of society. The role of a teacher has evolved over the years and teachers need to be updated with every change around them. The Primary role of a teacher is to empower learners, and when teachers educate students they empower the society. Earlier teachers were guides and philosophers to their students whereas today they have become facilitators and friends. Teachers have passed the way for interactive learning and knowledge sharing which place pivotal role in shaping the future citizens.
I want to accept each and every opportunity to improve the quality of learning process of our students.
I laud the relentless efforts of our teachers for giving their best into bringing out the best in a child. I would expect the students to be always modest, humble and disciplined while being ready to expand the horizon of their knowledge and skills by dreaming big and working hard.

Mrs. Pinki Gupta
(Head of School)